Cannabis and Cancer – New Review and Meta-Analysis 
On November 27, 2019 a new review and meta-analysis was published in JAMA Open:
Quick summary for those who don’t have time to read it:
- Review of cancer rates in studies where people had to use at least 1 joint-year experience (equivalent to 1 joint per day for 1 year)
- They found 25 English language studies
- In 3 case-control studies, of more than 10 years of cannabis use there was an association with cannabis use and testicular germ cell tumour (TGCT) (OR, 1.36;95% CI 1.03-1.81)
- Evaluations of ever use generally found no association with cancers
- Findings for lung cancer were mixed, confounded by few marijuana-only smokers, poor exposure assessment, and inadequate adjustment
Bottom Line for Practice:
Early studies have not been shown to conclusive link cannabis use and cancer. Low-strength evidence suggests that smoking cannabis may be associated with developing TGCT (correlation but not causation, at this point). More long-term studies with cannabis only smokers would hopefully provide better understanding of the potential risk with other cancers.